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Your destination for creative making and friends

About skapande

skapande was created from a longing for a space where creative outlets meet community. If you recently discovered skapande and is interested to try it out, welcome!


The idea is simple: we offer events focused on art making and craft usually taking place after 5pm. By the end of each event, you have something tangible to bring home with you that you've made with your own two hands in the company of others. Hopefully you'll also bring some new connections with you!


We started in September 2024. As a brand new seedling of an idea, we're still in DIY mode, so please bear with us!​​

How it works

At the end of each month, new events for the upcoming month will be released, so be sure to follow our instagram for latest releases.​ All you have to do is to sign up for the event that speaks to you most and show up. 

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